My last post argued that Christ’s authority extends not just over believers but over secular government and all men today. His status as ‘Ruler of the kings of the earth’ is a present reality and not just a future promise. However, Jesus expects His Church to cooperate with Him in the government of the world. He moves in response to the prayers and especially the corporate worship of His Church. The following excerpt from EMPIRE expands on this concept.
“The Church on earth is called the Church Militant and the Church in heaven is called the Church Triumphant. The book of Revelation shows us how the worship of the whole Church governs the world. The prayers of the earth bound saints assembled in corporate worship go up like incense to the throne room of God in heaven, where the saints in heaven and all the heavenly hosts are likewise gathered in worship. In response to these prayers, lightning and thunders and a great earthquake are poured out on earth. In other words, when the Church Militant, assembled in its official capacity, joins with the Church Triumphant in worshiping God, and bringing prayers and supplications to His throne, God moves in power on the earth and changes the course of history.
In contrast, worship in churches today looks nothing like this at all. The idea that the Church worships to wage war, change history, and advance the kingdom against its foes is almost completely absent everywhere. If worship is not dead liturgy it is vapid Christian entertainment. At best, it is a “bless me and pray for you” service. The idea that the Church gathers together to wage war in worship is alien. This is why the Church lacks power, and why, despite her numbers, wealth and programs, she is losing the cultural battle to her much weaker foes. When reformation in worship along the lines of ‘The Revelation of Jesus Chris’ begins, that will be reformation that matters.”
“The Church on earth is called the Church Militant and the Church in heaven is called the Church Triumphant. The book of Revelation shows us how the worship of the whole Church governs the world. The prayers of the earth bound saints assembled in corporate worship go up like incense to the throne room of God in heaven, where the saints in heaven and all the heavenly hosts are likewise gathered in worship. In response to these prayers, lightning and thunders and a great earthquake are poured out on earth. In other words, when the Church Militant, assembled in its official capacity, joins with the Church Triumphant in worshiping God, and bringing prayers and supplications to His throne, God moves in power on the earth and changes the course of history.
In contrast, worship in churches today looks nothing like this at all. The idea that the Church worships to wage war, change history, and advance the kingdom against its foes is almost completely absent everywhere. If worship is not dead liturgy it is vapid Christian entertainment. At best, it is a “bless me and pray for you” service. The idea that the Church gathers together to wage war in worship is alien. This is why the Church lacks power, and why, despite her numbers, wealth and programs, she is losing the cultural battle to her much weaker foes. When reformation in worship along the lines of ‘The Revelation of Jesus Chris’ begins, that will be reformation that matters.”